Can cats smile: myths and prejudices

22.02.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Cats are actually often emotionally attached to people, especially their owners.

In this article, we will tell you how cats smile at you.

How to tell if a cat is smiling

According to research, when a cat squints its eyes and blinks slowly, this is how the animal smiles.

During the study, zoologists squinted their eyes and blinked slowly in front of cats.

After some time, they answered them in the same way.


At the same time, cats are more willing to let themselves be stroked by those who “smiled” at them.

Animals do this when they are relaxed and content, that is, happy.

The most interesting thing is that cats are able to read the “cat smile” in people.

How to find out if a cat loves you

Head butting and paw stomping are signs that a cat gives to its most valuable partners.

If it does this all the time, you are important to it.

It can also bring its favorite toy as a sign of care and love. In addition, to mark you, it will lick your hair, face or hands, sometimes biting you.

If a cat, purring in your arms, gently moves its paws, or, sitting in your arms, looks tenderly at you, rubs its wet nose, licks your hands and face, know that your cat treats you like its parent.

Previously, we talked about how to cope with the loss of a pet.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to tell if a cat is smiling
  2. How to find out if a cat loves you