Cat's kneading: Curious pet habits

23.09.2023 22:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

When you pet cats, they often start kneading - they move their paws like they're preparing the dough.

It's a pretty cute habit, and not all cats have it - but why do they do it in the first place?

Let's find out more about cat's kneading and why they do it.

Comfort from Kittenhood

When kittens are nursing from their mother, they push her belly with their paws to get more milk. 

This action comforts them and makes them feel safe and happy.


Bringing Back Good Memories

As cats grow up, they still associate kneading with those cozy and safe moments from their early days. 

So, when they knead, it's like they're reliving those comforting memories.

Expressing Love

Cats also knead when they're feeling really relaxed and content. So, when your cat kneads you, it's a way of showing that they love and trust you.

They don't understand that it might hurt you

Cats typically don't understand that their kneading can be painful for their owners. 

When cats knead, they're often lost in the comfort and nostalgia of the behavior, harking back to their kitten days. 

They use their front paws to push and pull gently, as they did when kneading their mother's belly for milk.

However, because adult cats have sharper claws and more strength than kittens, their kneading can sometimes be uncomfortable or even painful for humans, especially if their claws dig into the skin. 

Cats don't intend to cause discomfort; they're simply following an instinctual behavior.


Kneading is something that cats do to show love - even when it's a bit painful for owners.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Comfort from Kittenhood
  2. Bringing Back Good Memories
  3. Expressing Love
  4. Conclusion