Cows with smart devices: A new experiment

26.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Not only humans, but also animals might benefit from smart devices, the scientists claim.

It can be extremely useful for farming, because it might help farmers to control animals' health and well-being.

A new study shows what farms of the future might be like.

Smart farming

Using smart technology to keep track of cows' health and environmental conditions can help with food safety, but it also adds more energy use to an already high-polluting industry. 

To tackle this, researchers have created a wearable smart device for cows. 


This device captures the energy created by the cows' movements, like walking or running, and uses it to power the smart technology on the ranch. 

The device is small and attached to the cows' ankles and necks. 

The captured energy is stored in a battery and used to run the device, which monitors things like oxygen levels, temperature, and the cows' activity. 

Why it might be helpful

The researchers hope this smart technology can be part of making the world's food systems better, especially with the advancement of technologies like 5G and the Internet of Things. 

They also tested the devices on humans, finding that even a light jog could power the device, opening up possibilities for applications in sports, healthcare, smart homes, and more.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Smart farming
  2. Why it might be helpful