Expert Opinion: When to Take Your Puppy to the Vet

29.07.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

It is especially important to monitor the health and development of a puppy. In the article we will tell you when and why you need to show the puppy to the veterinarian.

When to take your puppy to the vet

The first visit to the veterinarian is needed immediately, as soon as a puppy appears in your home. In the veterinary clinic, the doctor will examine the animal, assess its state of health, identify possible pathologies or an increased risk of their development, and also give recommendations on feeding and the nuances of keeping the pet.

The first examination usually awaits the puppy at 8-12 weeks of age and includes a complete physical examination, examination for parasites, vaccinations, feeding and care recommendations.

How often should you take your puppy to the vet

Visit the veterinarian should be at least 1 time per year, in the absence of chronic diseases.

What you need for the first trip to the vet

At the appointment with the veterinarian, be sure to take your passport and the passport of the animal, which contains information about vaccinations and their schedule, about the name of the drugs. If your pet does not have documents, you can apply for a veterinary passport in our veterinary clinic.

Photo: Pixabay

What to check in a puppy

Ears: clean, no visible discharge; Eyes: clear, not cloudy, no signs of accumulation of discharge near the eyes; Abdomen: not bloated; if it looks like a drum, this is a sign of the presence of parasites and malnutrition; Behavior: Active and playful.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When to take your puppy to the vet
  2. How often should you take your puppy to the vet
  3. What you need for the first trip to the vet
  4. What to check in a puppy