Ferret keeping mistakes: Be a good pet owner

09.09.2023 22:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Ferrets are fun - but they aren't the easiest pets to keep.

They require pretty specific conditions and diet, so if you want to be a responsible pet owner, you need to know everything about pet ferrets in advance.

Here are a few popular mistakes that people make.

Ferrets need enough space

Ferrets need space to play and explore. Keeping them in a tiny cage all the time isn't good for their happiness.

You should visit a vet regularly

Just like other pets, ferrets need to see the vet for check-ups and vaccines. Skipping these can lead to health problems.


Diet is vital

Feeding ferrets the wrong food can make them sick. They need a special diet with high-quality ferret food, not just cat food.

You should play with them a lot

Ferrets are active and curious. If you don't let them out to play daily, they can get bored and unhappy.

Beware of damage

Ferrets like to explore, and they can get into small spaces. Not ferret-proofing your home can lead to accidents.

Don't forget about hygiene

Ferrets can be a bit smelly, so they need regular baths and their bedding cleaned to stay fresh.

Socialization matters

Ferrets are social animals. If you don't spend time with them, they can become lonely and stressed.

They can be rough sometimes

Ferrets play rough, and you need to be gentle with them. Rough handling can hurt them or make them scared.

Train them well

Ferrets can be trained, but if you don't teach them basic commands, they might become hard to handle.


Ferrets require lots of your time and attention, and you should also be responsible of their health and normal development. Provide them with all they need - and your pet ferrets will be happy!

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Ferrets need enough space
  2. You should visit a vet regularly
  3. Diet is vital
  4. You should play with them a lot
  5. Beware of damage
  6. Don't forget about hygiene
  7. Socialization matters
  8. They can be rough sometimes
  9. Train them well
  10. Conclusion