Good to Know: How to win over the cat

27.10.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Employees of the ethology laboratory of the University of Western Paris - Nanterre-la-Défense and the Institute for Research and Consultation on Cat Behavior in Bordeaux (France) found out which channel of communication with humans cats are most responsive to.

How to get your cat to like you

Scientists from the UK, in the course of experiments, found that you can win over a cat and establish contact with it by slowly blinking and squinting your eyes.

Animals perceive this signal in the same way as people react to a smile.

How to pet a cat to make it feel good

Most cats love to be petted on the head. The temples in particular are a favorite place for stroking.

But cats also like to have their cheeks and forehead stroked and even like to rub their cheeks or forehead on their owner’s hand. Gently stroke the muzzle with your fingertips.


How to understand that a cat is comfortable with you

If a cat sleeps with its paws tucked under itself, it means it is calm and comfortable.

If a cat is worried about something, it will straighten its paws and the hair on its back will stand on end.

A contented cat, on the other hand, will curl up into a ball to appear small and harmless.

How to understand who the cat has chosen as the owner

As a “protector,” the cat usually chooses the family member who, in her opinion, is the strongest and most capable of ensuring her safety.

This could be a person or another animal in the house, such as a dog or another cat.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to get your cat to like you
  2. How to pet a cat to make it feel good
  3. How to understand that a cat is comfortable with you
  4. How to understand who the cat has chosen as the owner