How to give meds to your dog: Veterinarian's tips

01.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Pets generally dislike pills, so it often takes hours to give them meds they need but not want.

Sometimes your dog actually needs these meds to feel better, so you need to find new ways on how to give meds to it.

Here are a few tips from a vet that might help you.

Prepare Treats or Food

You'll need something tasty to hide the medicine in, like a soft treat or a bit of cheese. Have it ready.

Wash Your Hands

Clean your hands before handling the medication. This keeps things clean and hygienic.


Approach Calmly

Approach your dog calmly and gently. Talk to them in a soothing voice and offer some pets or belly rubs to help them relax.

Hide the Medicine

Hide the pill or capsule in the treat or food. Make sure it's well-hidden so your dog doesn't notice.

Offer the Treat

Hold out the treat with the medicine inside. Most dogs will eagerly take it.

Watch Them

Keep an eye on your dog to ensure they eat the treat and the medicine. Sometimes they might spit it out, so be ready to try again if needed.

Positive Reinforcement

After they've taken the medicine, give them lots of praise and maybe an extra treat as a reward for being a good dog.

Crushing or Liquid Medication

If the medication is in powder or liquid form, you can mix it with a small amount of wet dog food or broth to make it easier to swallow.


Your main goal is to make meds easy to swallow, and create positive reinforcement to make them less scary for your dog.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Prepare Treats or Food
  2. Wash Your Hands
  3. Approach Calmly
  4. Hide the Medicine
  5. Offer the Treat
  6. Watch Them
  7. Positive Reinforcement
  8. Crushing or Liquid Medication
  9. Conclusion