How to pick the best pet carrier: Customer's guide

15.10.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you have a pet, then you probably need a good pet carrier - it's vital when you move somewhere or just visit vets.

While any pet carrier is better than none, there are still better and worse options to choose from.

Here are a few tips on what to pay attention to when choosing a good pet carrier.

Size Matters

The carrier should be big enough for your pet to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. But it shouldn't be too big; a cozy space is better for them.

Sturdy and Safe

Make sure the carrier is strong and well-constructed. It should have secure latches and proper ventilation, so your pet is safe.

cat carrier

Easy to Clean

Look for carriers that are easy to clean. Accidents can happen, so choose one with removable padding or a washable interior.

Comfortable Base

A soft, comfy base inside the carrier will help your pet feel relaxed during the journey.

Adequate Ventilation

Good airflow is essential. Ensure the carrier has plenty of openings for fresh air.


Some pets feel more at ease if they can see what's happening. Look for carriers with windows or mesh openings.

Convenient Entry

Check how easy it is to put your pet in and take them out of the carrier. Carriers with top-loading options can be helpful.


Consider how easy it is for you to carry. Carriers with handles or shoulder straps make it simpler to transport your pet.

Pet's Comfort

Ultimately, your pet's comfort and safety are most important. 

Observe how they react to the carrier and make sure they have enough space to move around.


Choosing the right pet carrier ensures your pet's comfort and safety during travel, whether it's a trip to the vet or a longer journey.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Size Matters
  2. Sturdy and Safe
  3. Easy to Clean
  4. Comfortable Base
  5. Adequate Ventilation
  6. Visibility
  7. Convenient Entry
  8. Portability
  9. Pet's Comfort
  10. Conclusion