Important to Know: How to Care for a Parrot

23.09.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Caring for a parrot involves walking them regularly. You may not need to close the cage at all during the day.

Nevertheless, be sure to close the windows or install mosquito nets.

To prevent birds from gnawing wallpaper and littering throughout the room, install branches in the corner where birds can spend their free time.

Is it possible to let a parrot out all day

Experts recommend releasing parrots daily for 2-3 hours.

This is especially important if the cage is small and the parrot lives in it alone.


By the way, it is best to release parrots during the day. It is safer for them to spend the night in their cage.

How to feed a parrot

Every day the bird needs about two teaspoons of grain feed.

It is better to put food in the feeder at the beginning of the day, and the budgie will decide for itself when it wants to eat.

During the day, your pet can and should be treated to various treats (vegetables, fruits, berries, cottage cheese, etc.), while observing the measure.

How often should you change your parrot's water

You can use water passed through a filter. The water in the drinking bowl needs to be changed every day, and in hot weather two or three times. T

he parrot must receive vitamins.

How many times a week should you wash a parrot's cage

After soft food, the “dishes” should be washed well with warm water and dried.

Mucus often collects on the walls of drinking bowls, so they also need to be washed every day.

You can pour boiling water over it once a week, especially in the summer.

Twice a week you should clean the bottom of the cage, perches and bars.

Where you can't touch a parrot

Try to avoid touching the back, wings, and tail. Most birds love to be scratched on the head or neck.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Is it possible to let a parrot out all day
  2. How to feed a parrot
  3. How often should you change your parrot's water
  4. How many times a week should you wash a parrot's cage
  5. Where you can't touch a parrot