Important to Know: How to Properly Pet a Cat

23.10.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

In addition, while some cats may react aggressively to unwanted physical attention, others may simply tolerate our social advances in exchange for good things (food and shelter).

How to pet a cat

Scientists identified the areas where their facial glands are located as a safe bet for petting a cat: the base of the ears, chin and cheeks. The back is less preferred.

In addition, you certainly shouldn’t climb into the belly and base of the tail without an invitation.

How to stroke a cat correctly to make it feel good

Stroking left and right along the body is usually very pleasant for cats.

Just like the back, the sides can be ironed a little more firmly, the main thing is not against the grain.


The sides can be stroked with both hands at the same time and even with elements of a soft massage with your fingertips. Most cats love to be petted on the head.

Where cats don't like being petted

Cats love peace and quiet, so it is best not to create an additional source of stress for them.

They don't like being petted against the grain or having their bellies touched.

They consider it the most vulnerable place, so they usually do not allow it to be scratched or petted.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to pet a cat
  2. How to stroke a cat correctly to make it feel good
  3. Where cats don't like being petted