Important to Know: How to Understand that a Cat is Sick

06.12.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

The cat is lethargic and hiding - a reason to call the doctor.

When an animal gets sick, it feels protected in a small space.

How does a cat behave when something hurts

Lack of desire to play, as well as a general change in external state - lethargy, inactivity or, conversely, increased activity, anxiety can also be signs that the cat is in pain.

In any case, if you notice strong changes in the animal’s behavior, contact your veterinarian immediately.

In addition, when examining your cat's nose, you should pay attention to the presence of discharge.


If they exist, they should be transparent.

If the discharge is foamy, thick, yellow, green or even black, you will undoubtedly need to take your animal to a veterinarian for examination.

The Canadian company Sylvester.AI introduced the Tably application, which determines whether a cat is in pain.

What do sick cats look like

When sick, a cat's behavior changes.

It becomes lethargic, lies down more than usual, looks sad, tries to hide in a quiet darkened place, responds reluctantly to calls or, on the contrary, is overly excited, constantly moves around the apartment, meows pitifully or shows aggression.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How does a cat behave when something hurts
  2. What do sick cats look like