Important Study: Short Muzzle Predisposes Dogs to Sleep Apnea

06.07.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Popular dog breeds such as pugs and French bulldogs often suffer from health problems. In the article we will tell you what conclusions the researchers came to.

Research results

Researchers from the University of Helsinki studied breathing disorders in dogs during sleep. The results showed that animals with a short snout suffer from this problem more often than those with a long one.

Sleep apnea has serious health consequences for both humans and dogs. For example, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, healthy and sound sleep is important for a normal quality of life. The lack and disturbance of the quality of sleep also leads to a number of problems, a decrease in immunity and the occurrence of diseases.

The scientists also found that short-nosed dog breeds are more likely to snore compared to long-nosed ones.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource