Interesting Facts: How Dog Breeds Differ

30.11.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Breeds differ from each other in many hereditary characteristics - size, anatomical features, colors and types of coat, temperament, etc.

What are the differences between dog breeds

Chinook The rarest dog breed in the world, not recognized by any kennel club.

Included in the top of the smallest breeds.

It was bred to the USA to work as a dog sled.

Often the top line in ratings for the title of the kindest dog is occupied by the Labrador Retriever.


It seems that there are no negative qualities in this breed - Labradors are smart, friendly, cheerful, love a person and are always ready to serve him for his benefit.

The Chihuahua is considered the smallest dog breed in the world.

The pet takes up minimal space in the house.

The dog does not need training, but it is easily excitable and does not get along well with other animals or children.

The English Mastiff is the largest recognized dog breed in the world.

The majestic giant has a loving, gentle and devoted character and does not react at all to provocations.

American scientists studied MRI scans of the brains of dogs from 33 different breeds and found significant differences in its structure among representatives of the species.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource