Interesting Facts: How a Dog's Brain is Different from a Human's

16.11.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

It turned out that the brains of pets, like the brains of children, react more strongly to speech directed specifically at them: in such cases, a person changes his intonation: his voice becomes higher, the range of tones becomes wider, and phrases become shorter.

In addition, the dogs were better able to perceive female speech addressed to them or children.

The work was published in Communications Biology.

How does a dog's brain differ from a human's

The brains of dogs and humans are structurally similar, but dogs' brains are much smaller in size.

The ratio of human brain to body size is 1:40. In dogs, the ratio is 1:125 for all breeds, according to a study published in the Intelligence issue of Popular Science magazine.


What is the intelligence of a dog compared to a human

On average, a dog has the intelligence of a 5-7 year old child, it understands human speech, and perceives the emotions of its owner. Why does a dog get along so well with children?

It senses the child’s aura. If he cries, it means he feels bad and needs to be calmed down.

On the other hand, conversely, if the baby is feeling good and having fun, why not play with it?

What kind of thinking does a dog have

In the realities of the modern world, many people have pets - dogs, and responsible owners want to understand the behavior and thinking of their four-legged pets and establish trusting relationships with them.

Dogs have elementary thinking, manifested in the form of rational activity.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How does a dog's brain differ from a human's
  2. What is the intelligence of a dog compared to a human
  3. What kind of thinking does a dog have