Interesting Facts: Raccoons, Rats and Hedgehogs - Animals That Inhabit Cities

26.12.2023 22:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Animals are driven out of the forest by their natural instincts - fear and hunger.

They can also be triggered by forest fires and drought.

Why can animals be found in cities

Raccoons that live in the wild can hibernate.

Animals are absolutely not afraid of people, quite the contrary.

They go out to settlements and cities in order to get some kind of food from a person or to rummage through a trash can.


Raccoons are considered omnivores.

Wild animals often settle near humans. For example, common foxes have settled in London.

Some foxes come from the suburbs to feed.

The main type of food for them in the city: rodents, food waste and food from people.

If you see a fox, do not try to feed it. Foxes quickly get used to this.

At night you can find hedgehogs picking up fallen beetles and butterflies.

Nevertheless, this is not what primarily attracts hedgehogs to cities, but, banally, the presence of landfills.

A nocturnal lifestyle allows you to significantly avoid unwanted unnecessary contact with humans.

We previously talked about myths about possums.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource