Interesting Facts: Why You Should Own a Fish

26.09.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

One 2019 study shows that aquarium fish have a calming effect on people.

Why do people keep fish

Of course, in order to make the world around you even more beautiful and interesting, because aquatic flora and fauna are diverse and rare in beauty.

The first aquariums appeared in China - it was there that the most popular domestic fish, the goldfish, was first bred from the common crucian carp.

What does an aquarium give to a person

An aquarium has a positive effect on health.

Contemplating the underwater life of an aquarium has a beneficial effect on mental health; observation of underwater inhabitants is also useful for people suffering from neuroses and depression.


Watching fish in an aquarium has a beneficial effect on heart function and lowers blood pressure.

Therefore, doctors often recommend purchasing fish, especially for people with a weak nervous system.

Having an aquarium in an apartment perfectly stabilizes the indoor microclimate.

After all, evaporating water increases the degree of humidity in the air.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why do people keep fish
  2. What does an aquarium give to a person