Losing a Pet: How to Cope and Support Your Loved One

30.08.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

In the article we will tell you how to properly support a loved one who has lost a beloved pet.

How to support a person whose animal has died

You can help get over the loss of your friend by simply staying by your side. Express your sympathy and offer any help.

Make it clear that expressing your emotions and feelings is okay.

You can say something like, “I'm so sorry for your loss.

Express the person’s emotions (yes, you are in unbearable pain right now), provide him with a comfortable and accepting environment.


The main thing is not to devalue feelings and do not offer to "make sure" of death (look, he died), so you will only make things worse.

Owners can talk to veterinarians about pet insurance as another way to help families prepare for the loss of their pets. Some policies also cover preventive care. ASPCA pet health insurance covers euthanasia, cremation and burial, she said.

What to do if your beloved pet dies

The first thing to do is call your veterinarian within the first 24 hours after your pet dies.

The specialist will examine the body and find out why the pet died. The services of a veterinarian will also be needed if the animal has a miscarriage or a dead offspring is born.

In addition, ask for help and support from loved ones, contact a psychologist if necessary.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to support a person whose animal has died
  2. What to do if your beloved pet dies