Rooster: Interesting Facts

30.11.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The role of the rooster in producing offspring.

A hen will not be able to hatch chicks from an unfertilized egg. Such an egg will not produce results in an incubator either.

What kind of memory does a rooster have

Many poultry farmers even claim that roosters are able to recognize “their” pets, such as dogs or cows.

Roosters have a very good memory and remember their offenders.

Therefore, if the village rooster suddenly doesn’t like you, he can chase you for a long time.


Scientists from Germany conducted a classic mirror test and an adapted one with roosters - they had to show whether the birds distinguished their reflection from their relatives.

How many times a day does a rooster crow

During the daytime, the rooster crow is heard much more often and can be more than a dozen times.

It is sure to be heard in the early morning, when the leader needs to announce the beginning of a new day.

At night, the rooster may not make a sound at all if its previous biorhythms do not make themselves felt.

Why is the rooster angry

In nature, roosters are required to protect their hens from various predators and other roosters.

Depending on the strength of the rooster, there are as many females with him as he can feed, protect and fertilize.

Aggressive behavior intensifies in the spring, when the most active mating period begins.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What kind of memory does a rooster have
  2. How many times a day does a rooster crow
  3. Why is the rooster angry