Starfish: Interesting Facts – Amazing Nature

01.02.2024 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

These are sedentary animals, most often having five rays, but there are also specimens with three, four or six rays.

How many brains does a starfish have

Starfish do not have a brain, but they do have a nervous system.

If the receptors on one limb detect food, that limb becomes dominant and takes control of the entire body. Instead of blood, they have a vascular system that circulates water from the environment.

How many eyes do starfish have

On each tip (ray) there is an eye (eye spot), which means that there are usually five of them.

But there are cases when stars have more “hands,” and therefore there will be more eyes.


Danish biologists studied the sensory systems of 13 species of sea stars living in the Greenland Sea and found that 12 of them had eyes - light-sensitive organs at the ends of their legs.

Starfish don't have blood

Instead of blood, starfish have a circulatory system made mostly of seawater.

Sea urchins eat starfish

A group of sea urchins is quite capable of coping with a starfish, first depriving it of the tips of its rays with sensory organs.

Previously, we talked about killer whales.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How many brains does a starfish have
  2. How many eyes do starfish have
  3. Starfish don't have blood
  4. Sea urchins eat starfish