What are the strongest animals relative to their size: It might surprise you

15.07.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

When people think of strong animals, they usually imagine elephants or lions, but their strength is nothing when related to their size.

Though insects are tiny, their strength related to their size is amazing!

Let's find out more.

Rhinoceros Beetle

The rhinoceros beetle is a small insect known for its incredible strength. 

Despite measuring only a few inches in length, these beetles can carry objects up to 850 times their own body weight, making them one of the strongest animals in proportion to their size.



Ants are renowned for their incredible strength relative to their size. 

These tiny insects can carry objects many times heavier than themselves, often working collaboratively in large groups to achieve impressive feats. 

Ants demonstrate exceptional strength and coordination in tasks such as building intricate nests or transporting food.

Pistol Shrimp

Despite its small size, the pistol shrimp possesses one of the most powerful claws in the animal kingdom. 

By snapping its claw shut, the shrimp generates a cavitation bubble that produces a shockwave strong enough to stun or kill its prey. 

This remarkable ability enables the shrimp to overcome its size disadvantage and capture food effectively.


Fleas are tiny parasites known for their impressive jumping abilities. 

Despite their minuscule size, fleas can jump vertically to heights around 100 times their own body length. 

This exceptional jumping power allows them to move efficiently between hosts and escape potential dangers.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Rhinoceros Beetle
  2. Ants
  3. Pistol Shrimp
  4. Fleas