

If you love minimalism and dislike seeing lots of cords from gadgets and appliances, then you might consider doing a room makeover. Meanwhile, it's not an option for everyone - it takes lots of money, and it also takes time, which isn't always an option.

Kate Yakimchuk cords interior tips interior mistakes remodeling House Design 24 December 2023
smart home

Screens and cables can create a pretty distinctive atmosphere in your living space, but it's not always quite aesthetically pleasing. Creating an aesthetically pleasing and well-organized tech house involves integrating technology seamlessly into your living space while maintaining a clean and stylish appearance. 

Kate Yakimchuk interior technologies tips House Design 27 August 2023

Wires and cables can significantly impact the aesthetics of interior design. It happens because they tend to introduce visual clutter and disrupt the clean and organized look of a space. 

Kate Yakimchuk wires interior mistakes House Design 26 August 2023