

When training your dog, you sometimes have to use different approaches and tools, especially when your dog is young, strong, and energetic. One of these tools is a strict collar that can prevent your dog from attacking other animals and people.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets training Animals 14 November 2023

If you want your cat to wear a collar, then you can't just put it on - cats aren't exactly happy to wear bows, clothes, or collars. Meanwhile, if your cat actually needs a collar, then you should train it - this way, it will learn to tolerate it better.

Kate Yakimchuk cats pets training Animals 28 October 2023

Fleas can cause lots of troubles, so it's better to prevent them, because they might not be that easy to get rid of. One of the popular solutions is using anti-flea collars - they are cheap, small, and you can buy them basically everywhere.

Kate Yakimchuk pets fleas tips Animals 27 October 2023
dog collar

Dog collars aren't just pretty or convenient for walking your dog - it's also about the safety of your pet friend. If your dog runs away or gets lost, the info on its collar can help someone get your pet back home.

Kate Yakimchuk pets dogs information Animals 19 September 2023
cat collar

If you have a cat, then you probably know that most of them strongly dislike the idea of wearing any collars or special pet clothes. But what if you want your pet to wear one - for safety reasons, or just as a cute little accessory?

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats Animals 5 September 2023
dog collar

Strict dog collars, also known as choke chains or slip collars, were invented as training tools to control and correct dogs' behavior.  The concept behind these collars is to create a negative association with undesirable behaviors and to provide the handler with more control over the dog's movements.

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets Animals 1 September 2023
dog collar

Lots of pet owners are worried whether their pets' collars are too tight, but it's also bad when they're too loose. Understanding that a dog collar is too loose is essential for your pet's safety and comfort. 

Kate Yakimchuk dogs pets Animals 29 July 2023