

If you work on the computer a lot, then you need a suitable workplace to do it comfortably. One of the most important features of a good desk is its height, because it affects whether your back will hurt or not.

Kate Yakimchuk desk work place interior tips comfort House Design 13 January 2024

Psychotherapy is indicated for people suffering from depression, fear, anxiety, insomnia, neurotic disorders, people experiencing severe grief and stress. Family therapy can help couples who are unable to cope with their problems and disagreements on their own.

Diana Dashkevich mental health psychotherapy psychologist tips fun facts Psychology 4 January 2024

Dust and dirt can get inside the keyboard and cause the keys to jam, reduce key sensitivity, or even break the keypress mechanism.

Diana Dashkevich laptop cleaning cleaning tips cleaning mistakes Helpful tips 15 December 2023

If you spend plenty of hours in front of your computer, then you better have an actually comfortable computer chair. A bad chair can cause lots of back pain, and it can even damage your posture in a long run, so pick a chair that provides good support.

Kate Yakimchuk workplace chair choosing comfort House Design 31 October 2023
digital brain

Researchers are exploring the development of a "biocomputer" that uses human brain cells.  This innovative technology has the potential to revolutionize computing capabilities and create new avenues for research. 

Kate Yakimchuk research brain mind cognition Psychology 13 October 2023
artificial intelligence

Computers make no mistakes when they work correctly - but humans do, and sometimes it creates problems. Scientists teach AI systems to understand human mistakes better - so they can adapt and provide better results.

Kate Yakimchuk research mistakes brain Psychology 12 September 2023

Dusting your computer regularly is important to maintain its performance and prevent dust buildup that can affect its components.  How often you should dust your computer depends on various factors, including your environment and usage. 

Kate Yakimchuk laptop dust cleaning tips Helpful tips 11 August 2023