

You've probably heard lots of stories about how hard it was to keep your house clean in the past. Nowadays, it's way easier to do so because of many modern cleaning solutions and tools.

Kate Yakimchuk cleaning solutions cleaning appliances washing chemicals Helpful tips 31 December 2023

Smart lighting can be extremely convenient - but only if you use the right settings. It might take some time to choose the best configurations that suit your house and your lifestyle the best, but it's worth it!

Kate Yakimchuk smart lighting led lights interior light House Design 27 December 2023

While huge houses require huge vacuum cleaners, small apartments can benefit from smaller vertical gadgets. Modern vertical vacuum cleaners can be quite amazing for most people because of all their benefits.

Kate Yakimchuk vacuum cleaner cleaning tips vacuuming benefits Helpful tips 26 December 2023

We all can imagine a list of things that every kitchen must have, so you can cook lots of basic dishes. Meanwhile, some items aren't that obvious, but they can make your kitchen way more convenient to use.

Kate Yakimchuk interior appliances tips House Design 12 November 2023

When creating the interior of your dreams, don't forget about using various smart gadgets to improve your lifestyle. For instance, smart plugs have plenty of benefits that can make your everyday life convenient and safe.

Kate Yakimchuk plugs interior tips House Design 21 October 2023
living room

Many modern interior designs look just stunning, but they aren't always exactly comfortable to live in these houses. It often happens because designers and clients don't always think about convenience and everyday life when remodeling houses.

Kate Yakimchuk interior design comfort House Design 3 October 2023
glass jar

You've probably already seen that glass containers for various products are extremely popular nowadays. Using glass containers for storing stocks offers several advantages, making it a preferred choice for preserving the quality and safety of various products.

Kate Yakimchuk glass containers House Design 9 August 2023

A bad layout in a house can lead to various inconveniences and challenges in daily living.  It's not only about looks, but also about general lack of convenience and comfort in your everyday life.

Kate Yakimchuk layout interior mistakes House Design 2 August 2023

If you build or choose a house, then you should think a lot about its comfort and convenience. Separate bathrooms are seriously underestimated in terms of privacy and convenience, especially for big families.

Kate Yakimchuk bathroom interior tips House Design 31 July 2023