How to cook fluffy pancakes without kefir and yeast: the secret is in this sweet component

20.04.2022 15:15

Many housewives are sure that it is impossible to make pancakes airy without ingredients such as kefir or yeast.

However, only cooks who are afraid to experiment think so.

Experienced housewives know that kefir is not an obligatory component of pancakes.

The dish can be prepared on the basis of another fermented milk product - yogurt. Yeast will not be needed: flour products will acquire splendor anyway.

Recipe for pancakes on yogurt

At the first stage of creating a dish, you need to prepare a flour base: 200 grams of the bulk component are mixed with a small amount of salt and baking soda, as well as with a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Foto: Pixabay

Then 150 grams of yogurt and milk are poured into the dry mixture. Also, one raw egg should be broken into the container.

After all the necessary ingredients have come into play, you need to arm yourself with a spoon and turn all the components into a homogeneous mixture.

As a result, the dough will turn out. It remains only to turn the viscous mass into a mountain of large and lush pancakes.

The taste of this dish will not disappoint either a child or an adult gourmet.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource