How to cook stuffed cabbage rolls 3 times tastier than usual: the life hack of Soviet chefs

18.03.2022 18:50
Updated: 23.03.2022 13:27

Stuffed cabbage is one of the most popular dishes in the post-Soviet space, which has hundreds of cooking options.

Each housewife follows her own recipe, but many of them do not take into account one nuance that greatly affects the taste of the dish.

Soviet chefs used one trick to improve the taste of cabbage rolls.

Before stewing the dish, they fried cabbage rolls on both sides. In the process of frying, cabbage caramelizes and gives the dish a special taste and appetizing appearance.

Moreover, during this process, the cabbage rolls keep streamlined form and do not fall apart. 

cabbage rolls
Foto: Pixabay

It should be fried over medium heat. You don't need to add a lot of vegetable oil. In addition, during frying, cabbage rolls should not be covered with a lid.

After frying, the cabbage rolls are put in a baking dish, poured with sauce and stewed until doneness.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource