How to cook thin pancakes "3 cups" without backing soda and powder: they will turn out very tasty

30.03.2022 21:15

The dream of any housewife is the perfect recipe for thin pancakes that turn out crispy around the edges and tender.

Pancakes have always been the easiest snack option when you don't have time to cook complicated meals and the fridge is empty.

The recipe for such pancakes implies that some ingredients are measured in glasses and in the same amount.

Use any measuring cup, as long as it is one to determine the volume for the following three ingredients: milk, water, flour.

How to cook delicate pancakes in boiling water

Ingredients you will need to prepare the dish:

Foto: Pixabay
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 cup of boiling water;
  • 1 glass of wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. of sugar;
  • 2 pieces of eggs;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Break a couple of chicken eggs into a container and pour sugar, salt, and vegetable oil. Mix all the ingredients (you can use a mixer to get a more fluffy mass).

In the process of whipping, gradually add the sweet egg mixture and pour boiling water in a thin stream in one go, followed by cold milk. Add 1 cup of wheat flour.

We have the perfect pancake dough. You need to heat the pan and grease its surface with vegetable oil.

We bake thin pancakes, turning them from one side to the other for a golden crust.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource