How to fry dumplings so that splashes of hot oil do not fly around the kitchen

24.04.2022 13:15

There are many ways to cook dumplings, as well as recipes.

Fry dumplings – the task is as simple as possible if you need to cook lunch or dinner quickly.

It is necessary to place the semi-finished product in a frying pan with oil and fry until a golden crust appears.

For a richer taste, you can use seasonings, herbs or fry onions together with dumplings.

Despite all the ease of preparation, many make the same mistake. As a result, the oil during frying spreads to all corners of the kitchen. 

Foto: Pixabay

This is a natural process when frozen foods are thrown into a hot frying pan with oil.

During cooking, do not cover the dumplings with a lid, otherwise the product will dry out, but not fry. 

Experienced housewives prefer to use a special splash screen for the frying pan. In fact, this is a mesh that does not interfere with the frying process, but at the same time perfectly collects all the droplets of fat.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource