How to make a lush omelet: 4 tricks you need to know about

21.04.2022 19:15

A lush omelet is an ideal option for breakfast, which even the little fastidious will not refuse. 

To make an omelet lush, so that it does not fall off and does not taste «rubbery», you need to know 4 tricks.

Firstly, the egg mixture for this dish should not be beaten too much. 

And even more so, you should not use a mixer. Stir the eggs well enough with a fork.

The second rule of a lush omelet is that milk can be half diluted with water. So the product can be saved, and the taste of the omelet will be more tender.

Foto: Pixabay

Thirdly, the frying pan should be very well heated, only then you can pour vegetable oil, and then the egg mixture.

After all, an insufficiently heated frying pan and a large amount of sunflower oil can spoil the dish. 

And the fourth rule is that after cooking the omelet should rest.

Do not immediately put the omelet on a plate, let it stand for a few minutes, and then serve it on the table.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource