Is it necessary to stir rice when cooking: a gross mistake of young housewives

27.04.2022 07:15

Each of us, while cooking porridge, strives to climb into a saucepan with a spoon.

Moreover, if some cereals react normally to such an “invasion”, then others immediately lose their presentable appearance. Rice belongs to such cereals.

When rice is disturbed during cooking, the grains are damaged.

In addition, although this will not affect the taste of the finished porridge, most likely the porridge, which was actively stirred during the cooking process, will look unappetizing on a plate.

If you want to cook crumbly porridge, then proceed as follows: pour the cereal with cold water, put a piece of butter and a clove of garlic in a saucepan.

Foto: Pixabay

Turn on medium heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook the rice until the water has evaporated.

The technology for preparing loose rice prescribes during the cooking process not to remove the lid from the pan and not to once again climb into the pan with a spoon.

After cooking, rice is left under the lid for another half an hour, and only then it is served on the table. Then the porridge will definitely turn out “airy” and juicy.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource