Mistakes that will spoil a chicken meat: don't do that

25.04.2022 14:15

Chicken meat is considered not only delicious, but also dietary. In addition, it contains a lot of useful substances. 

Cooking it is easy enough. 

However, not every novice cook can cook chicken properly.

For this reason, you should know a few tricks.

First of all, you should choose a chilled fillet for cooking homemade dishes. If the product is frozen, the meat will come out dry. 

Foto: Pixabay

In addition, the hostess will also spend too much time on defrosting.

It is important to cut the carcass into equal pieces when cooking, otherwise the meat will not be able to cook evenly, and when frying it will even burn.

It is better to salt or add marinades to chicken fillet before cooking. Thanks to this, the spices will have time to impregnate the chicken and saturate it with taste and aroma.

Housewives also say that it is better to roll chicken in flour before frying to get juicy meat and a golden crust.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource