One spoon - and pickles will be kept for a long time even in an open jar: a saving component

20.03.2022 19:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 15:39

Pickles are an important ingredient in many dishes.

An example is Olivier salad, which requires literally a few pickles.

However, a difficulty arises: if the housewife does not plan to use the rest of the pickled cucumbers from the open jar in the near future, then the product may spoil.

Of course, everyone wants preserve the cucumbers as long as possible, even in an open glass container.

There is a way out of the situation. If there is an additional ingredient in the pickle-juice, then the vegetables will stand for quite a long time.

Foto: Pixabay

What to put in the jar

The saving ingredient is mustard. You need to use its dry variety.

The more popular type of seasoning (presented as a "paste") is not suitable.

To have an effect, you need to add at least half a teaspoon of mustard powder to the pickles.

However, the trick will definitely work if you use a whole teaspoon of mustard.

It is worth noting that the additional component will not only protect salted vegetables from rapid spoilage, but also significantly improve their taste.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource