Sugar in fried potatoes: a trick that housewives are unaware of

09.04.2022 19:15

Not every experienced housewife can proudly declare that her fried potatoes come out perfect every time.

Often we may encounter the fact that the root crop literally crumbles in a pan, turning into fried porridge.

It is considered thatthis result is a consequence of the untimely introduction of salt.

Yes, this is indeed in some cases the main reason that the potatoes did not turn out.

Experienced chefs recommend salting the dish either a couple of minutes before it is ready, or already directly on the plate.

Foto: Pixabay

However, even without salt, potatoes can fall apart.

What is a simple trick to deal with the situation?

If you want the fried root crop to hold its shape confidently, then do not forget to add an additional ingredient - ordinary granulated sugar.

It is customary to introduce it in a small amount almost at the very beginning of cooking.

The sugar will create an invisible film that will help keep the potatoes in shape.

This will not affect the taste of the dish in any way.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource