What ingredient is needed to cook snow-white and crumbly rice

26.04.2022 19:15

Each housewife is looking for a recipe for making the perfect friable rice, because often this cereal is boiled into porridge.

Everything is much easier than you think.

Cooking snow-white and crumbly rice is not difficult if you add a cheap and simple ingredient to the water along with cereals.

We are talking about ordinary vinegar, which can not only lighten the rice, but also contribute to the fact that the rice is cooked crumbly.

Therefore, if it is necessary to achieve a bright white color of boiled rice, you can safely pour half a teaspoon of vinegar into the water, preferably rice.

Foto: Pixabay

Also, keep in mind that fluffy rice is easier to make with long-grain rice, which has less of the starch that makes the rice sticky.

Another important point for making friable rice is the ratio of water to grains. 1.25 cups of water is enough for a glass of rice.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource