What is missing in the dough if the pancakes are hard like rubber and with dry edges

27.03.2022 07:15

Dry and brittle pancakes are obtained only because of an incorrectly mixed dough.

Of course, if you are not trying to bake pancakes on high heat.

Then you can be sure that the pancakes just dry out, and are not fried.

In other cases, the reason may be a lack of fermented milk products in the dough.

If the first pancake turned out to be tough, like rubber, pour kefir or sour milk into the dough.

Foto: Pixabay

If there is enough fermented milk product in the dough, then dry pancakes are obtained due to the large number of eggs. It is not necessary to put more than two eggs per liter of dough.

Dry and hard like rubber, pancakes can be obtained due to the flour of the first grade, the addition of pure water instead of water and a dairy product or an excess of sodium carbonate.

In addition, perhaps the pancakes are dried and acquire a characteristic “blackness” because the pan is not greased before each pancake.

Before pouring the dough into the pan, you need to grease the bottom with vegetable oil or butter.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource