At what point to salt the meat so that it does not turn out tough: a common mistake when frying a dish

26.04.2022 23:15
Updated: 09.04.2023 01:49

Many housewives do not even suspect that the taste of a fried dish can directly depend on the time when salt is added.

First of all, such a relation is typical for fried meat dishes.

If you salt them at the wrong time, the dish will lose its juiciness and become “rubber”.

That is why any amateur cook should not forget when exactly you need to salt the meat.

Common housewife mistake

Many housewives add salt at the initial stage of cooking.

Foto: Pixabay

However, if the spice is on the product too soon, it will lose a lot of liquid.

As a result, cutlets, steaks or other meat dishes will become too tough. The meat will not be juicy.

When to Salt Meat

The meat in the pan can be salted only at the moment when the dish has already reached readiness.

In this case, the meat dish will retain tenderness and will be perfectly chewed. Moreover, its taste qualities will be on top.

Many cooks add salt not even at the moment when the meat is still in the pan, but when the finished dish is already transferred to the plate.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource

  1. Common housewife mistake
  2. When to Salt Meat