When you need to salt fried potatoes so that they are crispy: a rule to remember

29.04.2022 17:15

Delicious fried potatoes can only turn out if they are properly, and therefore, salted in a timely manner.

Then the potatoes will turn out not just beautiful and crispy, but delicious and fragrant.

The secret is that fried potatoes can be salted only 5-7 minutes before they are ready.

For cooking, you will need:

  • potatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – to taste.

How to cook

Wash, peel and slice the raw potatoes, rinse them under water and dry them on a paper towel or napkin.

Foto: Pixabay

Meanwhile, heat up the frying pan, add vegetable oil, and then spread the sliced potatoes in an even layer.

Cover with a lid and fry for 5 minutes on high heat, then stir and fry under the lid for another 5 minutes.

During the entire time of cooking potatoes, it is interfered with no more than 4-5 times.

As for salt, it is added 5-7 minutes before it is ready.

If you decide to add onions and spices, then this is done at the same time, after which the fire is reduced to medium.

A few minutes before cooking, you can drive a chicken egg into the potatoes.

Bon Appetit!

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource