Why do the cheesecakes are falling apart: annoying mistakes of inexperienced housewives

15.04.2022 07:15

Cheesecakes are a delicious and healthy breakfast, which is equally loved not only by adults, but also by children.

Besides this, the dish can be decorated with various fruits and berries, which will make the meal even more satisfying.

However, the preparation of cheesecakes requires patience.

Novice cooks can often complain that the dish just falls apart when frying.

It is easy enough to correct mistakes if you know all the rules for making lush and tender cottage cheesecakes.

Foto: Pixabay

Usually the treat falls apart if the main ingredient is too wet. It is better to give preference to a drier type of cottage cheese or squeeze the product slightly before cooking.

It is also desirable to grind it through a sieve to make more airy cottage cheese pancakes.

You should also not take too fat kind of cottage cheese. It will also negatively affect the dough when frying.

Cheesecakes do not need eggs, but only yolks. For 200 g of cottage cheese, two yolks will be quite enough.

You cannot overdo it with flour. It should be quite a bit. Just a glass with this component is enough for such an amount of cottage cheese.

Still, flour or semolina is more needed for breading.

Cheesecakes should be fried in a preheated frying pan.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource