Why "gypsy" cutlets are the most toothsome of all: the secret is in one ingredient

21.03.2022 19:15
Updated: 23.03.2022 20:52

There are many ways to make cutlets toothsome and fluffy, because this simple dish should be the real pride of the housewife.

Therefore, to improve the quality, sometimes not usual ingredients are used.

An example is the "gypsy" cutlets, the taste and texture of which are truly flawless.

What is the secret of the meat dish

As it turned out, among the usual ingredients, an unusual product appears - a tomato. It literally soaks the meat with its juice, thanks to which the cutlets are incredibly moist.

In addition, this vegetable is ideally combined as part of the recipe.

Foto: Pixabay

To cook up the perfect "gypsy" cutlets, you need to prepare a number of ingredients. Most often, housewives make force from 700 grams of meat, half a standard loaf without crusts, two large onions, 150 ml of milk, two cloves of garlic and three tomatoes.

Salt, spices and herbs are also added as desired.

The important point is that the tomatoes need to be blanched, peeled, and only then added into the meat.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource