

When it comes to hunting, lots of people have strong opinions about this activity. In modern days, when people don't have to hunt to survive, it's mostly just a hobby that hurts animals like rhinos.

Kate Yakimchuk rhinos wild animals wild nature hunting Animals 17 January 2024
angry boy

The idea that someone becomes aggressive because of poor self-control is not the whole story. The experiment found that aggression can also be the result of strong self-control used for revenge.

Kate Yakimchuk research self-control Psychology 5 November 2023
chained shepard

Nowadays, most dog owners treat their pets well, and even the thought of chaining your dog almost for life seems terrifying to them. Meanwhile, people used to chain their guard dogs for many centuries - it was seen as something essential and normal back then.

Kate Yakimchuk chain dog pets guards Animals 15 September 2023