Detecting fruit maturity: Gardening tips

25.10.2023 04:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

While some fruits are better to be harvested in advance, so they can ripen later, other fruits are better to be picked in time.

The best time to do it is when fruits are mature - but how can you understand whether fruits are mature or not?

Here are a few tips for you.

Check the Color

Different fruits have specific color changes as they ripen. For example, bananas should have a bright yellow color with a few brown spots. 

Apples may turn from green to red, while some citrus fruits become vibrant in their respective colors. 

orange tree

Learn the typical color signs for the fruits you're growing.

Feel the Texture

Gently press the fruit with your fingers. Ripe fruits should yield slightly to pressure but not feel overly soft or mushy. 

For instance, peaches and avocados should give just a little when you squeeze them.

Smell the Aroma

Bring the fruit close to your nose and take a whiff. Ripe fruits often have a sweet, fragrant aroma. 

For example, a ripe pineapple has a strong, sweet smell.

Examine the Stem

For fruits like apples and pears, a ripe fruit will detach easily from the tree when you gently twist or lift it. 

Avoid pulling or tugging, as this may damage the tree or the fruit.

Look for Natural Dropping

Some fruits, like avocados and figs, drop from the tree when they're ready to be harvested. 

Keep an eye on the ground beneath the tree for any fallen fruit as a sign.

Observe the Seeds or Pits

For fruits with seeds, like melons or peaches, the color of the seeds can change as the fruit matures. 

The seeds may turn darker or take on a different hue.


Remember that fruit maturity signs can vary based on the fruit type and the specific variety you're growing. 

Regular observation, learning about the fruits in your garden, and gaining experience over time will help you become a more skilled fruit harvester.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Check the Color
  2. Feel the Texture
  3. Smell the Aroma
  4. Examine the Stem
  5. Look for Natural Dropping
  6. Observe the Seeds or Pits
  7. Conclusion