Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Gardenia

02.09.2023 20:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

The illumination should be good, but without direct sunlight. During the period of budding and flowering, the pot with the bush should not be rearranged from its original place and even turned the other side to the light source.

What does a gardenia flower love

It is important to remember that although jasmine gardenia loves constantly moist soil, it should not be flooded.

Stagnant water can destroy the roots of the plant. Jasmine gardenia requires watering directly on the soil, as moisture on the leaves can provoke the appearance of diseases.

Which pot to choose for gardenia

Gardenia can be transplanted into both ceramic and plastic pots, but plastic is still preferable - it can be placed in a basin when watering and left there for 15-20 minutes.

How many times should a gardenia be watered

If it is winter, the dormant period and the temperature is within 16ºС, then you need to water the gardenia as the soil in the pot dries out at least half. In summer and during flowering, gardenia is watered more often, as the top layer dries by 2-3 cm.


Do not overmoisten the plant.

How to care for gardenia at home

Gardenia needs to be sprayed if the air humidity is below 40%, but only with warm and soft water.

Water during spraying should not fall on the buds and flowers.

In winter, keep the plant away from the directional hot air of the batteries. Gardenias respond well to bathing in a hot shower.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What does a gardenia flower love
  2. Which pot to choose for gardenia
  3. How many times should a gardenia be watered
  4. How to care for gardenia at home