Gardening tips: Want to use your hay mulch later – store it well

22.12.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

If you want to use organic and safe mulch, then you can use hay - it's one of the oldest and the most natural options available.

Meanwhile, it might be hard to store it in winter, so you can use it later, because of humidity, temperature shifts, and pests.

Here are a few tips that can help you store your hay mulch for later.

Find a dry and covered area

Look for a place where you can store the hay mulch away from rain, snow, and moisture. A shed, garage, or any covered space will work well.

Prepare a base

Before storing the hay mulch, create a dry base using pallets, wooden planks, or a tarp. This will prevent moisture from seeping into the hay.


Stack the hay mulch

Start by stacking bales of hay mulch on the prepared base. Make sure to stack them in a way that allows air circulation between the bales.

Cover the stack

Once the hay mulch is stacked, cover the entire stack with a tarp or plastic sheet. 

Ensure that it completely covers the hay and reaches the ground on all sides.

Secure the cover

Use ropes or bungee cords to secure the tarp tightly around the stack. This will prevent wind from blowing it away and keep the hay mulch protected.

Check for leaks

Periodically check the stack for any leaks or gaps in the cover. Repair any damages to maintain the protection against moisture.

Insulate if needed

If you live in a particularly cold region, you may want to insulate the sides of the hay mulch stack with additional tarps or blankets. 

This will provide extra protection against freezing temperatures.

Regularly monitor

Throughout the winter, keep an eye on the hay mulch stack. Check for signs of moisture, mold, or pests. 

If necessary, make adjustments to the cover or relocate the stack to a drier area.

Previously, we talked about growing adromiscus.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Find a dry and covered area
  2. Prepare a base
  3. Stack the hay mulch
  4. Cover the stack
  5. Secure the cover
  6. Check for leaks
  7. Insulate if needed
  8. Regularly monitor