Ginger: Secrets of Growing

02.12.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

The root is used in fresh, pickled, and dried forms.

It is added to tea, meat dishes, vegetable salads, and served with sushi.

Where does ginger like to grow

When choosing where to grow ginger, it is recommended to give preference to one that has partial shade, but at the same time the place should be well lit by the sun.

If there is a drainage system and good air circulation, the plants are immediately planted in the selected area; there is no need to pre-fertilize anything.

How to grow

Planting ginger is very simple; you need to dig holes no more than 25 cm deep.


Pebbles are laid out along the bottom for drainage in a layer of about 2 cm.

Sand and soil directly are poured on top.

Ginger will fully ripen after six months if the climate is favorable.

Is it possible to grow ginger from ginger root

It is quite possible to grow ginger at home from a store-bought root, following simple planting and care rules.

Ginger root can be purchased at the store.

Please make sure that it is fresh, without damage or over-dried areas.

The material must have eyes or dormant growth buds.

Ginger care

Water the ginger moderately as the soil dries out.

Ginger loves feeding in the form of organic and mineral fertilizers.

For the growth and development of greenery, provide the necessary amount of potassium in the soil, and for ginger to bloom, phosphorus is required.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where does ginger like to grow
  2. How to grow
  3. Is it possible to grow ginger from ginger root
  4. Ginger care