Growing an avocado tree from a pit: Gardening tips

11.11.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

You can grow an avocado tree as a garden plant or house plant - it's not that hard!

The hardest part is usually to germinate the avocado pit, and after that you can just use your regular gardening tips to grow it.

Here's how you can grow your own avocado tree.

Get an Avocado Pit

Start with a ripe avocado. Cut it open, remove the pit (the large seed inside), and clean it. Gently wash off any remaining fruit flesh from the pit.

Toothpick Method

To make growing easier, you'll use the toothpick method. Stick four toothpicks around the middle of the pit. 

avocado tree

They should be spaced evenly and inserted at a slight angle. These toothpicks will help support the pit while it's in water.

Prepare for Water

The pit needs to be partially submerged in water, so you'll need a glass or jar. Place the pit, pointy side up, in the glass. 

The broader end (the bottom) should be down. The toothpicks will support the top half, which should remain above the water.

Find a Sunny Spot

Put the glass in a warm, sunny location, preferably a windowsill where it can get plenty of natural light. Avocado seeds need sunlight to grow.

Change the Water

Every few days, change the water in the glass to prevent it from getting stagnant. 

Rinse the pit at the same time to remove any slimy residue that might form.

Watch for Growth

In a few weeks, you should start seeing roots growing from the bottom of the pit and a stem (or shoot) emerging from the top. 

The roots will grow longer, and the stem will develop leaves as it continues to grow.

Transplant to Soil

When the stem is about 6-7 inches tall and has a few leaves, it's time to transplant your avocado pit into a pot with soil. 

Use a well-draining potting mix and plant the pit with the top half exposed above the soil. 

Water the soil, but don't let it become soggy. Place the pot in a sunny spot.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Get an Avocado Pit
  2. Toothpick Method
  3. Prepare for Water
  4. Find a Sunny Spot
  5. Change the Water
  6. Watch for Growth
  7. Transplant to Soil