How to grow basil: note to gardeners

15.05.2024 17:00

Basil is quite easy to grow both in open ground and at home.

The plant loves sunny places and fertile soil.

How to grow basil in open ground

When growing basil in open ground, follow some important rules.

To begin, you need to sow the basil seeds in fertile soil in a sunny spot in the garden.

Plant the seeds at a shallow depth - 2 cm long.

Photo: Pixabay

First, the soil should be well watered.

Submerge the seeds at 5 cm intervals or in a continuous strip.

Next to basil you can plant plants such as nightshades, legumes, onions, and carrots.

These are eggplants, potatoes, tomatoes, physalis.

Do not grow basil near cabbage, radishes or radishes.

In addition, among flowers, basil does not like to be near marigolds.

Basil, like most herbs, prefers open, sunny areas.

Choose a spot in your garden that gets the most sunlight.

Remember that outdoors, basil needs protection from wind and cold air.

Avoid growing herbs in a drafty area.

Always water the plant carefully, ideally before noon.

Avoid splashing on the leaves, pour water on the roots.

From those bushes that grow in open beds, you can harvest at least three harvests per season.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource