Learning about the side shoots: Gardening tips

04.10.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

If you want to try gardening, then you have to learn lots of new terms to quickly understand the new information.

Even simple terms like side shoots can be confusing for new gardeners, so we are here for you to make things clear.

Let's find out what those are and how you can use them.

What are side shoots?

In gardening, "side shoots" are small branches or stems that grow out from the main stem or trunk of a plant. 

They usually appear between the leaves and the main stem. These side shoots are also called "suckers" in some cases.

tree branch

What to do with side shoots depends on the type of plant and your goals.


Sometimes, side shoots can take away energy and nutrients from the main part of the plant. 

In this case, gardeners may remove or trim them to help the main part of the plant grow better.


Some plants can be grown from side shoots. You can carefully cut these shoots and plant them to grow new plants. 

This is a way to make more of the same plant.


In some cases, side shoots can grow into branches that help support the plant or improve its shape. 

In this situation, gardeners might leave them to grow.


So, side shoots in gardening are those little branches that come out from the main stem, and their use depends on the type of plant and what you want to achieve with it. 

You can trim them, use them to grow new plants, or let them grow to support the main plant.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. What are side shoots?
  2. Pruning
  3. Propagation
  4. Support
  5. Conclusion