Pros and cons of hedgehogs: Gardening insights

23.11.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Beautiful gardens attract lots of wildlife, and you can often see hedgehogs there - especially when it's dark.

Hedgehogs aren't pests, and they can be quite beneficial for your garden, but also they can cause minor inconveniences.

Let's find out more about whether you should be worried by the presence of these animals.

They can be your allies

Hedgehogs can be valuable allies in maintaining a healthy garden ecosystem due to their natural predation on common garden pests. 

These small, spiky mammals have a particular fondness for insects like slugs, beetles, and caterpillars, which are often considered garden nuisances. 


By consuming these pests, hedgehogs act as a form of biological pest control, helping to keep the population of harmful insects in check.

Minor inconveniences

While hedgehogs generally contribute positively to garden health, there are some potential downsides to consider. 

Their foraging behavior may occasionally lead them to disturb the soil or small plants as they search for insects. 

However, the benefits of pest control usually outweigh these minor disruptions.

Create a shelter

Creating a hedgehog-friendly environment in your garden can involve providing shelter in the form of leaf piles or purpose-built hedgehog houses. 

It's important to avoid using chemical pesticides, as these can be harmful to hedgehogs and other wildlife. 

Also, be cautious when using lawnmowers or strimmers, as hedgehogs may be sheltering in tall grass.

With a few considerations and accommodations, you can create a garden space that not only supports plant life but also welcomes these helpful little insect-eaters.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. They can be your allies
  2. Minor inconveniences
  3. Create a shelter