What flowers to plant in the garden to fill it with incredible aroma: useful tips

23.03.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Some flowers fill the garden with an incredible aroma.

In this article, we will tell you which plants are best to choose.

What flowers fill the garden with a pleasant aroma

There are many plants that have a pleasant aroma: geranium, Eriobothria japonica smells like sweet almonds, Ucharis grandiflora has a sweeter aroma.

You can also plant jasmine, orchid, rose, patchouli in your garden.

Some fragrant flowers are most often used in bouquets, enveloping them in an enchanting cloud.


One of these flowers, of course, is the rose, whose lovely scent is well known to everyone.

In addition, lilies, freesia, narcissus, mimosa, lilac, and hyacinth are fragrant.

Night violet begins to bloom at the end of May and continues until June.

The clove spicy aroma intensifies in the evening after dew has fallen.

And although the flowers of this plant cannot boast of bright individuality and attractiveness, their aroma can fill the entire garden in the evening and at night.

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides) is one of the most fragrant flowers, producing one of the most beloved scents in the gardening world. Fall or spring is the best time to plant this shrub in warm climates.

Some flowers, such as old-fashioned flowering tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris), lilac and mock orange, have a wonderful, vibrant scent that will spread throughout the garden.

Other flowers, such as scented geranium, lavender and rosemary, have a more subtle scent that requires you to lean in and smell the flower.

Decorate your path with sweet alyssum or lavender, plant fragrant roses behind a garden bench, and surround your deck or patio with pots of gardenias, jasmine, and crinum.

Previously, we told you how and where to grow broccoli in the garden.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource