Why experienced summer residents plant nasturtium on their property: not everyone knows about it

21.04.2024 14:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Nasturtium is an easy-to-care flower for the garden.

In this article, we will tell you why to grow nasturtium.

Why grow nasturtium

Experienced gardeners love nasturtiums for their bright and long flowering, unpretentiousness and powerful phytoncidal properties.

Nasturtium is not only a decorative flower, but also an excellent protection for vegetable and berry crops from insect pests, which are repelled by the strong aroma of this plant.

Nasturtium, with its phytoncides, cleanses the soil of pathogens, so it is advisable to introduce it into the crop rotation system and boldly include it in the scheme of combined plantings.


Is it possible to eat nasturtium flower

All parts of the nasturtium plant are edible, with the exception of the roots.

Finely chopped leaves of the plant are an excellent filling for pies and salads. Goes well with potatoes and green peas.

Nasturtium can be added to sandwiches and cold appetizers.

Nasturtium flowers not only add an interesting taste to the dish, but also become a wonderful decoration for the appearance of the food.

How to grow nasturtium

Nasturtiums need sunlight for at least half a day to grow well.

In addition, free-draining soil is required for cultivation.
Nasturtiums bloom best in poor soils.

Previously, we told you what you can and cannot plant next to strawberries.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why grow nasturtium
  2. Is it possible to eat nasturtium flower
  3. How to grow nasturtium